Parent Resources

Utah Parent Center Consultant serving in Weber District

Natalie Allgood


Child Find

Every child is entitled to a public education regardless of disability. Children with disabilities may go without services because families are not fully aware of their options. If you know of a child, birth to age 22, who is not receiving any education services or feel that your child may be in need of special education services, please contact your local school or call the Special Education Department in Weber School District at 801-476-7864.

The identification, location and evaluation of students suspected of having a disability includes students attending private schools, students who are highly mobile, students who have been suspended or expelled from school, home schooled students, students who have not graduated from high school with a regular high school diploma and those who may be in need of special education and related services even though they are advancing from grade to grade, and regardless of the severity of the disability.

Carson Smith

The Carson Smith Special Needs Scholarship Program (CSS) is a parent choice model for Utah residents that provides tuition assistance for eligible special needs students enrolled in eligible private schools. The scholarship is for students who would qualify for special education and related services in public schools, preschool through 12th grade (3‐21 years of age), whose parents choose an eligible private school. Together, Local Education Agencies (LEAs), CSS eligible private schools, and parents determine special education eligibility through a process guided by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA); the same requirements for special education services in public schools. Further information is available through Utah State Board of Education  View Carson Smith Scholarship 

View Carson Smith Program Information

File Retention

Students who attended special education programs in Weber School District are being advised that the district is only required to keep special education records for three years after the student received their high school diploma or three years after the student turns 22 under IDEA. Medicaid requires that records be maintained for at least five years after the provision of services. At that time the records are no longer needed for educational purposes.  If you would like to see if your student's special education records are available, please contact Carlene DiBartolo at 801-476-7864.

Students and guardians desiring these records must issue a written request to:

Special Education Department
Weber School District
5320 Adams Ave. Parkway
Ogden, UT  84405

Notice - Records for students born 9/1/2001 - 8/31/2002 will be destroyed July 1, 2025. 

Procedural Safeguards

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Federal law concerning the education of students with disabilities, requires schools to provide parents of a student with a disability or adult students with disabilities with a notice containing a full explanation of the procedural safeguards available under the IDEA and U.S. Department of Education regulations. A copy of this notice must be given to parents or adult students only one time a school year, except that a copy must be given to parents or adult students:

  1. Upon initial referral or parent request for evaluation;

  2. Upon receipt of the first State complaint and upon receipt of the first due process complaint in a school year;

  3. When a decision is made to take a disciplinary action that constitutes a change of placement; and

  4. Upon parent or adult student request (34 CFR § 300.504(a)).

Both you and the school share in your student’s education. If you or the school has issues or concerns about your student’s education, you and your student’s teacher should openly discuss the issues. If you are not satisfied with these discussions, you should contact the special education director for your school district/charter school. We urge you to be actively involved in your student’s education.

As parents of students who are receiving special education services, or who may qualify for special education services, you have certain rights or procedural safeguards under Federal and State laws. These rights are listed in this Procedural Safeguards Notice. This list of your rights must be given to you in your native language or in a communication method you can understand. If you would like a more detailed explanation of these rights, please contact the principal at your student’s school, a school administrator, the special education director, or the Utah State Board of Education Special Education Services section. More information is available on the Utah State Board of Education Special Education Services website (Rules and Policies).

 View Procedural Safeguards

Medicaid Eligibility

Don't risk a gap in your Medicaid coverage. Renew now.

Click on attachment below or Visit Medicaid Website